白天天空的颜色不断变化,因为太阳光的颜色也从日出和日落时的 2000K° 到中午的 7000K° 不等。
该插件使用 2 种颜色(天空颜色和地平线颜色),主要在 2000K° 到 9000K° 的范围内。因此,它试图模仿渲染器中的物理天空。
底色在 HSL 模式下会发生变化:光线越少,底色越明亮。
作者:Didier B.
Dynamic sky is a plugin that alters the sky color and/or the ground color, according to the time of the view or scene, as set in the “shadows” palette.
The colors of the sky during daytime vary constantly, because the color of the sun light also vary from about 2000K° at sunrise and sunset to 7000K° at noon.
The plugin uses 2 colors (sky color and horizon color) mostly in the range from 2000K° to 9000K°. So it’s an attempt to mimic a physical sky like those found in the renderers.
Ground color is altered in HSL mode: the less light, the luminuous the ground color.
