# 纹理缩放器


## 用法

菜单:_Extensions → Resize Textures_

– 可以将大小调整为给定百分比,或优化为特定分辨率(每米像素)或针对特定视图进行优化(如果安装了插件 Goldilocks)。

– 纹理可以裁剪到模型中实际使用的区域。如果需要,扩展会旋转裁剪边界以使其最适合。

## 要求

– **ImageMagick**
您需要安装 ImageMagick。您可以从 [官方网站 (Windows|OS X|Linux)](http://www.imagemagick.org/script/download.PHP)。您可以安装到任何位置,扩展最初会询问您可执行文件的路径。

## 捐款

# Texture Resizer

This extension allows to downsample all textures in the model or selection. This can be useful if you want to quickly share a file that is too big because of extensive textures, or you used photos directly from the camera and want to batch-downsample them to an optimal resolution.

## Usage

Menu: _Extensions → Resize Textures_

– Resizing can be performed either to a given percentage, or optimized to a specific resolution (pixel per meter) or optimized for a specific view (using the plugin Goldilocks if it is installed).

– Textures can be cropped to the area that is actually used in the model. If desired, the extension rotates the crop boundary so that it fits best.

## Requirements

– **ImageMagick**
You need to have ImageMagick installed. You can get it from the [official site (Windows|OS X|Linux)](http://www.imagemagick.org/script/download.php). You can install to any location, the extension will ask you initially for the path to the executable.

## Donations

If you found this extension useful, you can [leave a tip](https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=LR4SJCCTUCKBN)!
