CutList Bridge 5 是一款 SketchUp 导出工具。它取代了非常流行的 CutList Bridge 4.4 扩展。 CutList Bridge 5 允许通过将 SketchUp 尺寸和其他关键组件属性导出到 .csv 或 .cwx 文件来快速高效地创建切割清单。然后可以将这些文件导入 CutList Plus fx 或任何支持逗号分隔文件格式的应用程序,例如 Microsoft Excel 和 OpenOffice。此外,CutList Bridge 5 将本地导出: 粗材和规格材的纵切和横切计划;切粗木材、规格材和板材的清单。 CutList Bridge 5 允许所有切割清单以本地方式查看、打印和/或保存为 PDF 文件,无需第三方应用程序。

您可以通过以下链接访问 CutList Bridge 5 用户指南:

如果您的 SketchUp 设计包含大量图纸产品,您可能更喜欢查看 CutList Bridge LX,它具有原生图纸优化、查看、打印和导出到 PDF 文件。您可以通过以下链接访问 CutList Bridge LX 用户指南:
作 者:木工
描述:Joe Zeh 是一位多才多艺的终身木工,是一名电气工程师,在计算机和图形芯片设计方面拥有超过 35 年的经验,从计算机设计到 ATI Graphics 设计开发副总裁兼总经理。
CutList Bridge 5 is a SketchUp exporting tool. It replaces the very popular CutList Bridge 4.4 extension. CutList Bridge 5 permits quick and efficient cut list creation by exporting SketchUp dimensions and other key component attributes to a .csv or .cwx file. These files can then be imported into CutList Plus fx or any application supporting the comma-separated-file format, such as Microsoft Excel and OpenOffice. In addition, CutList Bridge 5 will natively export: Rip and Cross Cut schedules for both rough and dimensioned lumber; cut lists for rough lumber, dimensioned lumber and sheet goods. CutList Bridge 5 allows all cut lists to be natively viewed, printed and/or saved to a PDF file, requiring no third-party application.

You can access the CutList Bridge 5 User’s Guide at this link:

If your SketchUp designs includes a lot of sheet goods, you may prefer instead to look at CutList Bridge LX, which has native sheet good optimization, viewing, printing and exporting to a PDF file. You can access the CutList Bridge LX User’s Guide at this link:

CutList 桥 5