BoxUp 扩展了 Sketchup 动态组件与动态材料、成本计算、列表并添加了 14 个新的动态功能。当您使用基于工作表/配置文件的模块化系统时,这很有用;厨房、办公家具、货架、衣柜、铝型材系统等。

基于板材的材料可以是 MDF、胶合板、玻璃、丙烯酸树脂——任何基于板材的系统。
线性材料,如铝型材、封边带、垫圈 – 任何基于型材的系统。

制作您自己的组件集合或为客户制作集合。 BoxUp 带有大量用于厨房设计的动态组件。使用它作为参考,作为构建您自己的基础,或按原样使用它。

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为选定组件设置属性值 – 仅更新已更改的属性。交换组件,从收集的组件列表中选择离子,可以取代该组件。更改组件的大小可以更新组件的定价。
BoxUp extents Sketchup Dynamic Components with Dynamic Materials, Costing, Lists and adds 14 new dynamic functions . This is useful when you work with sheet/profile based modular systems like; Kitchens, Office furniture, Shelving, Wardrobes, Aluminium profile systems and so on.

Sheet based materials could be MDF, Plywood, Glass, Acrylics – any sheet based system.
Linear based materials like Aluminium profiles, edgeband, gaskets – any profile based system.

Make your own collection of components or make collections for a client. BoxUp comes with a extensive collection of dynamic components for kitchen design. Use it as reference, as a base to build your own, or use it as is.


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Attribute manager

Set attributes values for selected components – only changed attributes are updated. Swap components, choose from a list of components in the collection that can replace the component. Changed size of a component can update pricing of the component.