nz_MyCatalogue 允许您创建、存储和共享您自己的个人可挤压型材库。

与 sketchup 一样,nz_MyCatalogue 允许您创建配置文件,范围从名称、宽度和高度这样的少量输入到非常详细的自定义配置文件。在所有情况下,您还可以包括各种参数,例如三个偏移量 DIRECTIONAL、LATERAL 和 VERTICAL。在任何时候您都可以设置长度限制,包括您自己创建的自定义颜色等等……在任何时候都可以在选择配置文件时覆盖或引入参数。

您可以为每个生成的对象选择一个组或组件,在这两种情况下,对象都有一个与其库名称相同的实例名称,并且每个创建的对象都有相同的轴,这意味着您可以轻松地将它们组合成一群组件(也可以参考 nz_ConvertMe)。

最后,这一切都意味着您拥有一个多功能库,您可以在其中指定一块砖,然后覆盖它的限制,就像轻松地绘制一个已经包含预期尺寸和宽度的砖墙一样。此外,您仍然有多种选择可供您使用,例如您可以从字面上选择砌砖以保留设定长度和/或在第二次单击时切割长度或通过设定砂浆 (XY-OFFSET) Hot键允许您镜像位置,并关闭偏移。因此,您可以继续设计业务,使用您自己喜欢的元素达到您喜欢的细节水平

nz_MyCatalogue 的价值在于,您无需花费大量时间来设置完整的楼梯……设计师通常不喜欢现成的解决方案,相反,我们更喜欢快速、易于部署的元素,而不是漏斗我们进入一个重新确定的结果…就像 Sketchup 简单的工具 with 进行复杂的设计:-)

安装 nz_MyCatalogue 后,转到“RESTORE”按钮….选择恢复选项并按照提示(在没有库或备份的初始情况下)将为您提供恢复出厂“Try-it-”的选项库”,您将立即可以访问默认目录库


注意:您可以保存当前库的备份并随意恢复它,也可以导出您的库以与运行 nz_MyCatalogue 的多台机器共享

最后,nz_MyCatalogue 能够基于 RBG 系统扩展您自己的自定义颜色库!这也包括在内

作 者:娜塔莱·扎皮亚
描述:我对建筑的解释潜力以及所有可以设计的东西充满热情。我相信恶魔rative Architecture 和 enabling creativity。
nz_MyCatalogue allows you to create, store and share your very own personal library of extrudable profiles.

In the same veins as sketchup nz_MyCatalogue allows you to create profiles ranging from as little input as a name, width and height through to highly detailed custom profiles. In all instances you can also include various parameters such as three offsets DIRECTIONAL, LATERAL and VERTICAL. at any time you can set length limits, include a custom colour of your own creation etc etc… At any point the parameters can be overridden or introduced upon selection of the profile.

You can can choose for each resultant object to either be a group or component, in both instances the object have a instance name identical to it’s library name and each creation will have identical axes relative the object, this means that you can easily combine them into a group of components (also refer to nz_ConvertMe).

In the end this all means than you have a versatile library within which you can specify a brick and then override it’s limits to just as easily draw a brick wall already consisted with the expected dimensions and width. Further Still you have various option available to you such than you can quite literally lay brick choosing to preserve the set length and/or cut the length a the second click or all short of the end point by the set mortar (XY-OFFSET) Hot Keys allow you mirror position, and switch-off the offsets. So you can get on with the business of designing, with your very own favourite elements to the level of detail you prefer

The Value of nz_MyCatalogue is that you don’t need to invert a lot of time setting up a complete staircase…. designer’s don’t usually like ready-made solutions anyway instead we prefer quick easy to deploy elements that don’t funnel us into a redetermined outcomes… Just like Sketchup simple tools with which to make complex designs 🙂

We have included a “Try-It-Library” to get you started….
After intalling nz_MyCatalogue, go to the “RESTORE” button…. select the restore option and follow the prompts which (on the initial circusmstance of no Library or Backup) will provide you with an option to restore the factory “Try-it-Library” you will instantly have access to the default Catalogue library

Or Start your own parametric library from scratch!

NOTE: you can save a BACKUP of your current library and RESTORE it at will, and also EXPORT your library to share with multiple machines running nz_MyCatalogue

Finally nz_MyCatalogue comes with the ability to grow your own library of custom colours, based on the RBG system! that’s also included

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