## 导入/导出

导入点 – 此功能允许用户导入 CSV 文件中表示的点。
这是一个用于 csv 导出格式的示例电子表格 –> [Spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16E1omD1bdJyefYx99X4gADJPlPeE0W8gujVXFdwlY0U/edit?usp=sharing)
示例 CSV 文件 –> [Total Station点样本.csv](https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0MiEFvm6FmsdVpNWFg3VE1KSU0/view?usp=sharing&resourcekey=0-okQpmtsZu5dBGe3vNdRrYw)

导出点 – 此功能允许用户将点标记信息导出为 CSV 文件中的点,以用于其他软件或硬件。

## 点和几何创建工具

设置位置 – (扩展菜单 > PointGadgetv2 > 设置原点)使用此工具设置站位置或模型原点的 xyz。

提示:在拍摄点之前使用 SketchUp 模型轴正确对齐导入的数据(图像、cad 信息等)。克reen 轴可以被认为是北/后视

拍摄工具 – 使用此工具通过鼠标放置点标记。标记及其代表的点将自动分配 ID 号

提示 1:使用拍摄工具时,最好拍摄到实际表面上。

提示 2: 通过插件使用的点标记是组件。如果您决定不使用 Point Gadget 工具来放置点标记,而是使用组件浏览器来放置您的点,请务必使用 Point Gadget UPDATE 工具将它们注册到插件中。
XYZ 工具– 使用此工具使用特定的 XYZ 坐标一次放置一个点标记。
Convert Construction Point – 使用此工具将选定的 SketchUp 构造点转换为点标记符号
创建线条 – 选择一个点标记,此功能将在具有相同标签描述的所有标记之间创建线条。它将创建按数字点顺序排列的线条

## 报告工具

检查点 – 将鼠标悬停在激活此功能的点标记上以获取其特定点信息
Points Report – 生成所选点标记或整个点标记集合的点报告

警告!不要复制/粘贴点标记 – 复制和粘贴可能很诱人,但在这样做时,您将复制属性,这可能会导致报告工具中的信息不正确。

## Import/Export

Import Points – This feature allows users to import points represented in a CSV file.
Here is an example spreadsheet formatted for csv export –> [Spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16E1omD1bdJyefYx99X4gADJPlPeE0W8gujVXFdwlY0U/edit?usp=sharing)
Sample CSV file –> [Total Station Point Sample.csv](https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0MiEFvm6FmsdVpNWFg3VE1KSU0/view?usp=sharing&resourcekey=0-okQpmtsZu5dBGe3vNdRrYw)

Export Points – This feature allows users to export the point marker information as points in a CSV file for use in other software or hardware.

## Point & Geometry Creation Tools

Set Location  – ( Extensions menu > PointGadgetv2 > Set Origin) Use this tool to set the xyz of the station location or model origin.  

Tip:  Use the SketchUp model axis to properly align imported data (images, cad info, etc) before shooting points. The green axis can be considered the North / backsight 

Shoot Tool  – Use this tool to place point markers with your mouse.  The markers, and the points they represent, will be assigned ID numbers automatically

Tip1:  When using the Shoot tool, it is a good idea shoot onto an actual surface.
Tip2:  The point markers used through the plugin are components.  If you decide not to use the Point Gadget tools to place a point marker and instead use the Component Browser to place your point, be sure to use the Point Gadget UPDATE tool to register them with the plugin.
XYZ Tool  – Use this tool to place point markers one at a time using specific XYZ coordinates. 
Convert Construction Point  – Use this tool to convert selected SketchUp construction points into Point Marker symbols
Create Linework  – Select one point marker and this feature will create linework between all markers with the same label description. It will create the linework in numerical point order

## Reporting Tools

Inspect Points – Hover over a point marker with this feature activated to get its specific point information
Points Report – Generates a points report of a selection or of the entire collection of points markers

WARNING! DO NOT COPY/PASTE Point Markers  – It may be tempting to copy and paste but in doing so, you will be copying attribution which can lead to incorrect information in the reporting tools.

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