# Envimet-inx
Sketchup 的插件,用于为 ENVI_MET 编写 *.inx 文件。

# SKP 版本
* SKP 2022
* SKP 2021

## 教程

## 特征
– 创建环境对象:building、plant2D、plant3D、soil、terrain、receptor、source
– 删除环境对象
– 读取 Sketchup 的地理位置
– 导出 INX 模型
– 独立系统库
– 自动转换为米等其他计量单位

## 几何映射
| ENVI-Met 实体 | SKP实体| EnvimetINX 实体 |评论 |
| ————– | ————– | ————– | ————– |
|建筑 |面孔(组/组件)| SKP团体|保持简单并尽可能清洁几何体。封闭卷。 |
|土壤 |面孔(组/组件)| SKP团体|简化输入几何或将其分成许多部分并单独或分组选择它们以加快计算速度 |
|简易植物 |面孔(组/组件)| SKP团体|植物的高度仅取决于 ENVI-Met DB |
|植物 3D |仅组件 | SKP团体|使用 SKP 组件。 `复制多个`以轻松将它们放置在模型中 |
|受体 |仅组件 | SKP集团|使用 SKP 示例组件,例如人。 |
|来源 |面孔(组/组件)| SKP团体| |
|地形 |面孔(组/组件)| SKP团体|简化输入几何或将其拆分为多个部分单独或按小组选择它们以加快计算速度 |

## 限制
– 仅限 2.5D 建模
– 基于自由格式输入的项目库
# Envimet-inx
A plugin for Sketchup to write *.inx files for ENVI_MET.

# SKP Versions
* SKP 2022
* SKP 2021

## Tutorial

## Features
– Create envimet objects: building, plant2D, plant3D, soil, terrain, receptor, source
– Delete envimet objects
– Read geo-location of Sketchup
– Export INX model
– Standalone system library
– Convert automatically to meters other units of measure

## Geometry mapping
| ENVI-Met entity | SKP entity | EnvimetINX entity | Comments |
| ————— | ————— | ————— | ————— |
| Building | faces (groups / components) | SKP groups | keep it simple and clean the geometry as much as possible. Closed volumes. |
| Soil | faces (groups / components) | SKP groups | Simplify the input geometry or split it in many parts and select them individually or by small groups to speed up the calculation |
| Simple plant | faces (groups / components) | SKP groups | The height of the plant depends only by ENVI-Met DB |
| Plant 3D | components only | SKP groups | Use SKP components. `Copy multiple` to place them easily in the model |
| Receptor | component only | SKP group| Use SKP sample components, people for example. |
| Source | faces (groups / components) | SKP groups | |
| Terrain | faces (groups / components) | SKP groups | Simplify the input geometry or split it in many parts select them individually or by small groups to speed up the calculation |

## Limits
– 2.5D Modeling only
– Project library based on free-form input
