该插件将根据坡度为面着色。输入最大坡度和最小坡度的 RGB 值。


用法:选择松散的几何体(在组/组件编辑内部是可以的)。它只适用于面部。选择要着色的面,然后从“插件”>“Chris Fullmer 工具”>“按斜率着色”运行插件。它将为选定的面孔着色。您将输入 2 种颜色的 RGB 值,还可以选择要使用的渐变步数。较高的数字将创建一个平滑的梯度,而较低的数字将创建一个非平滑的梯度,但它可以更容易地看到存在的主要斜率变化。感谢 ICEPAM 添加了其中一些很棒的功能。
描述:Chris Fullmer 一直在编写 SketchUp 插件自 2009 年以来。在加州大学伯克利分校期间,他专注于创建扩展以帮助改进景观建模过程。 \n\nChris 现在在 Trimble 担任 SketchUp 可扩展性产品经理。
This plugin will color faces based on their slope. You enter the RGB values for the max slope and minimum slopes. 

This plugin OVERWRITES EXISTING MATERIALS. So don’t use it on portions that you don’t want to change their materials.

USAGE: Select loose geometry (inside of a group/component edit is ok). It only works on faces. Select the faces you want to color, then run the plugin from Plugins > Chris Fullmer Tools > Color by Slope. And it will color the selected faces. You will enter the RGB values for the 2 colors, and you also choose how many gradient steps to use. A high number will create a smooth gradient, whereas a low number will create a non-smooth gradient, but it makes it easier to see the major slope variations that exist. Thanks to ICEPAM for adding in some of these great features.

斜率的 CLF 颜色