从 3D 模型到施工图

GLASER STX 提供任何切割深度的定义,为截面图的单独处理提供方便的功能,并优化导出到 GLASER isb cad(德国领先的建筑工程 CAD 软件 – www.isbcad.de)或 DXF-格式。
该软件区分可见的、剪切的和隐藏的元素,并在预览中以不同的颜色显示它们。施工图中不需要的元素,例如隐藏边,可以过滤。这同样适用于不同组件的 3D 层,也可以导出。结果是根据您的要求完美定制的施工图,可以立即将其传递给 GLASER isb cad 或以 DXF 格式保存。
轻松定义具有单独切割深度的任何截面并将它们传输到 GLASER isb cad。一起w使用 SketchUp Pro,您甚至可以使用 BIM 数据 (IFC) 的世界进行进一步编辑。


• 创造 unl
作者:Matthias G.
描述:GLASER -isb cad- Programmsyteme GmbH 是一家专门从事建筑工程和建筑应用程序的软件公司。凭借高效的 CAD 系统 GLASER -isb cad-,该公司已成为超过 10,000 件软件的合格合作伙伴
From 3D-model to construction drawings

GLASER STX offers the definition of any cut depth, provides convenient functions for individual treatment of the section drawings and optimises the export to GLASER  isb cad  (a leading German CAD-Software for construction engineering – www.isbcad.de) or into the DXF-format.
The software distinguishes between visible, cut and hidden elements and displays them in the preview with different colours. Elements not needed in the construction drawing, e.g. hidden edges, can be filtered. The same applies to 3D-layers for different components, which also can be exported. The result is a construction drawing perfectly tailored to your requirements which can immediately be passed to GLASER  isb cad  or saved in DXF-format.
Easily define any section planes with individual cutting depths and transfer them to GLASER  isb cad . Together with SketchUp Pro you can even use the world of BIM data (IFC) for further editing.


•    Creating unl

2019 格拉泽 STX 演示