当您将高分辨率图像导入 SketchUp 时,它们通常以较低的分辨率显示并且显得模糊。启用_Preferences → OpenGL → Use maximum texture size_ 只能在一定程度上解决问题,具体取决于显卡的功能。


## 用法

2. 选择图像。
3. 从菜单中选择_Extensions → Split large images_
4. 出现提示时,选择您的显卡支持的所需图像块像素宽度。

## 捐款

When you import high-resolution images into SketchUp, they are often displayed at a lower resolution and appear blurry. Enabling _Preferences → OpenGL → Use maximum texture size_ only solves the problem to some degree depending on the capabilities of the graphics card.

This extensions allows to split super-duper high-resolution images into tiles that render nicely and sharply. Finally you can read all details and draw precise lines on your plans.

## Usage

1. Import an image as Image entity.
2. Select the image.
3. Choose from the menu _Extensions → Split large images_
or use the toolbar button.
4. When prompted, choose the desired pixel width of the image tiles that your graphic card supports.

## Donations

If you found this extension useful, you can [leave a tip](https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=LR4SJCCTUCKBN)!
